Your Second Homes in Kyoto
株式会社アローズインターナショナルリアルティ(Arrows International Realty Corp.)
TEL:0120-987-136 / 050-5433-1072
※ ご退去の際の退去通知は、2ヶ月前予告となっております。
※ 解約通知書をダウンロードしていただき、メールやFAXでお送りください。
● お引越し日時が決まりましたら、下記のお手続きをお願い致します。Please complete following procedures before you move out.
1.電気の停止・閉栓 Termination of Electricity
関西電力 引越し等によるご利用停止・開始のお手続き
Please make sure to contact the electric company five days before your move out and pay the final fee.
2.ガスの停止・閉栓 Termination of Gas
大阪ガス ガスのご使用中止の流れ
都市ガスの解約 ご契約されているガス会社にご連絡をお願いします。
LPガスの解約 ご契約されているガス会社にご連絡をお願いします。
Please make sure to contact the gas company five days before your move out and pay the final fee.
3.水道の停止・閉栓 Termination of Water
京都市上下水道局 お引っ越しなどによる,水道・下水道の使用中止について
東部営業所(東山区・山科区・伏見区醍醐支所管内) 075-592-3058
北部営業所(北区・上京区・左京区・中京区) 075-722-7700
西部営業所(右京区・西京区) 075-841-9184
西部営業所 京北分室(右京区京北出張所管内) 075-852-1820
南部営業所(下京区・南区・伏見区(醍醐支所管内を除く)) 075-605-2011
※営業時間 平日午前8時30分~午後5時15分(土曜・日曜・祝日及び年末年始(12月29日~1月3日)は休みます。)
Please contact to the Waterworks Bureau office when you decide moving out day.
Higashiyama Office (Higashiyama, Yamashina, Daigo office in Fushimi Ward) 075-592-3058
North Office (Kita, Kamigyo, Sakyo and Nakagyo Ward) 075-722-7700
West Office (Ukyo and Nishikyo Ward) 075-841-9184
Keihoku Branch, West Office (Keihoku branch in Ukyo Ward) 075-852-1820
South Office (Shimogyo, Minami, Fushimi(excluding Daigo office) 075-605-2011
*Open hours; weekday from 8:30 to 17:15 (closed Sat, Sun, National Holidays, New Year and End of Year Holidays from 29th Dec to 3rd Jan)
・No need to contact if you don't make a contract when you move in.
4.電話の移転手続き Relocation Procedures of Landline Phone
Please proceed as soon as possible when the day of moving is decided. *If the stop operation is unfinished, the next tenant cannot make a contract.
5.インターネットの停止 Cancellation of Internet Contract
・If you made a internet contract individually, please return your router until you move out.
・If you use internet service, please contact them. The officer of company will contact you for making an appointment, then please return the router and modem to them.
・Any procedure is not needed if you use free internet in your apartment.
6.火災保険解約 Cancellation of Home Insurance
フォーシーズ火災保険 0120-17-1143(案内番号3)受付時間10:00~17:00(土・日・祝も営業)
その他の火災保険 加入保険会社にご連絡の上ご解約ください。
4c's Home Insurance 0120-17-1143(guide number3)open10:00~17:00(including Sat, Sun and National Holidays)
The other fire insurance Please contact your insurance company and cancel the contract.
7.郵便転居届 Postal Notice
Please make sure to make arrangements at the Post Office 10 days before your move. *Please contact them if you hace services like sub scriptions, DM, etc. stop.
8.大型ごみ Oversized Garbage
京都市大型ゴミセンター 0120-100-530(携帯不可)
携帯電話からは 0570-000-247
Please make sure to apply for the collection two weeks in advance.
Kyoto City Large Trash Collection Center 0120-100-530(It doesn't connected by mobile.)From cell phones 0570-000-247
*If there are your stuffs in the condominium site, we will charge the fee including the disposal cost.
9.立会点検 Inspection for Moving Out by Arrows
Please contact us as soon as possible when the moving out day is decided.
・Please let us know your preferred time between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm.
・We might ask you to change the date or time depends on the schedule of the person.
・We cannot check the room's condition if there are your stuffs in your room.
10.ご用意いただくもの Preparing
・A set of manual document files for equipment instruction when you get it on your moving day.
・Room keys. (including copies)
・Your bank account number. It is not necessary if you already fill in the cancellation notice.
*Please complete following procedures before you move out.
*We do not calculate the prorated rent for the moving out month.